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circomotricita '

If by sport we mean “The set of activities, individual or collective, which engage and develop certain psychomotor skills, also carried out for recreational or healthy purposes”, circomotricity is part of it in all respects. In fact, circus art allows you to develop skills such as hand and eye coordination, improve concentration and attention. All fundamental skills in many contexts, first of all at school. A space equipped for the circus is an important tool for the evolution of human intelligence and affectivity, capable of developing experiences, but also capable of becoming an instrument of observation and, therefore, of prevention of social unease. The work of our circus educators provides the CIRCOMOTRICITY project with a set of decisive characteristics: the action of mediation, empathy, the welcoming environment, the discovery and practice of circus arts, the production of multiple simple circus, the use of expressive techniques (music and different stimulations), the observation of what emerges from the game offered by the circus, which becomes a laboratory, a place for first listening, a stimulus to creativity, giving shape to what the imagination of children can create.

The educational proposal of the circomotricity paths developed by the operators of the Tenrock circus school focuses on the elements that define the recreational-educational circus as "an activity that is grafted into the broader framework of the contemporary circus and is centered, through the use of circus techniques, on the psychophysical development of the child.



This methodology places the circus activity in a playful and cooperative context, with an inevitable relapse and social growth. Playful-educational activities stimulate the acquisition of confidence in one's own possibilities, develop self-knowledge, one's aptitudes and the ability to manage oneself. They improve balance and concentration in carrying out all cognitive activities, train the ability to sustain efforts, keep commitment alive, developing autonomy and overcoming the anxieties and fears typical of growth.

But circomotricaà is not just an activity for children. During the year, the planning also extends to parents who have the opportunity to experience a new way of playing and relating to their child. It is a world that transforms and adapts to the parent-child dimension. We have fun together with exercises of body expression, role exchange, dexterity challenges; it is the children who teach their parents how to use Chinese dishes, who support them in the balance tests.

Spazio di educazione alternativa  e osservazione culturale
Spazio di educazione alternativa  e osservazione culturale
Spazio di educazione alternativa  e osservazione culturale


  • Welcoming school groups and classes inside the circus tent to work in suitable and comfortable spaces: an adequate context is an element strongly present in the collective imagination which, with its own characteristics, provides socio-cultural starting points for a work in the field of developing social skills and active citizenship competences;

  • Organize activities for sharing and disseminating Circomotricity with the support of social workers, psychologists and neuropsychiatrists;

  • Support the creation of work networks between the subjects of the territory thanks to the provision of a space and the practice of Circomotricità aimed at communities of minors who welcome boys and girls with social problems;



For over 5 years we have been constantly renewing our collaborations with various day centers and primary and secondary schools that have found in the educational play circus a facilitating tool for intervention in situations of social marginalization and support for the development of key citizenship skills.

Spazio di educazione alternativa  e osservazione culturale

Are you a teacher, educator, professional or social worker and are you thinking of organizing a circomotricity workshop with boys and girls? 

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