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Ancora 1 progetti
Ancora 2
courses. laboratories.

"Farò Circo" is a project that is part of a broader project, in a space called "La Fabbrica del Farò" that the social cooperative Il Faro (partner of the project) purchased to create a welcoming context for women and minors in difficulty, rich in cultural, recreational, artistic and working opportunities (through the social agriculture, tourist accommodation and catering). In this space, where the TenRock circus tent is located, numerous actions are networked with the social cooperative Il Faro and with other local entities that jointly contribute to the development of each other through the development of a circular economy model. .
I'll do Circus
Iniziamo a fare
The School offers everyone the opportunity to get closer to the Circus Arts and a multi-performance theater under a real circus tent.
The methodology adopted is based on the development of classical theatrical techniques in physical theater, dance theater, and the transversal arts of the Contemporary Circus.
The school is open to all and to those who make and wish to make art, their life and profession.
The school offers the Chapiteau space to circus and theater artists and companies on occasions for creative residencies, presentation of projects, conventions, circus - theatrical festivals and entertainment for children.

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