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Project  Erasmus + "YouthUp" approved

photo gallery news Tenrock | Spazio di educazione alternativa e osservazione culturale | teatro circo viaggiante
photo gallery news Tenrock | Spazio di educazione alternativa e osservazione culturale | teatro circo viaggiante

The TenRock Circus School of Theater wins an Erasmus + project approved by the National Youth Agency that involves youth educators and children.

The YOUTH UP project is a project born from the Tenrock social cooperative, engaged in social circus activities for the purpose of including young people in disadvantaged areas through the enhancement of their relational and artistic skills. The project idea was born as a result of the awareness of how much children who find themselves in social isolation, without basic emotional skills and valid relational references, risk depressive states or even worse suicide. Indeed, the data reported by the World Health Organization according to which suicides rank second among the causes of death in the 15-29 age group is alarming. YOUTH UP provides for the involvement of 5 organizations committed to vulnerable young people from different European countries (Italy, Romania, Lithuania, Spain, Albania) motivated to activate social inclusion processes with non-formal and informal methodology.

The goal of the project - explains Gabriele Cagnazzo, president of the TenRock Social Cooperative - is the enhancement of resilience factors such as irony and social connectivity, through both the training of youth animators / educators, and the creation of opportunities in favor of young people themselves in which they can discover forms of energetic activation through the culture of social circus and games that lead to stimulate processes of positive reactivity.

An important aspect of the YOUTH-UP project is represented by the historical moment in which it will be carried out, taking into account that the lock-down and the limited opportunities for socialization have in fact accentuated the social isolation of boys and girls.

MAY 2020

The "TenRock" Circus School flies to Europe ... the Erasmus + project "cirCOmmunity" awarded

photo gallery news Tenrock | Spazio di educazione alternativa e osservazione culturale | teatro circo viaggiante
photo gallery news Tenrock | Spazio di educazione alternativa e osservazione culturale | teatro circo viaggiante

In these days, the news has been awarded that the TenRock school of performing arts and spectacles residency in Brindisi has been awarded for the achievement of an acknowledgment by the Italian Erasmus + Agency "INdire" with the "cirCOmmunity" project linked to the Erasmus + 2020 program. lasting 18 months, welcomed and financed by the European Union, provides a flow of mobility for the collective of operators in four countries involved: France, Spain, Hungary, Portugal, thanks to the collaboration of local partners such as the Il Faro Social Cooperative, the socio-cultural association “Gessetti & Straccetti” and the cultural association “Idea Radio”.  

"Participation in the project in the context of training is the achievement of an important milestone, - explains Gabriele Cagnazzo, president of the TenRock Social Cooperative -  which will bring benefits not only to school training but also to the entire local community, as the acquisition of skills and the sensitization of families and the territory will allow the subjects involved to possess the skills required in the international panorama in a European dimension ".

The project stems from the desire to bring the innovation of the circus (without animals) and the performing arts to places and contexts of great social disadvantage, guaranteeing people in difficulty new guardians of resilience. This is why this year the members of the TenRock cooperative bought a circus tent located in an area of the highly desired innovative context on a land owned by the Il Faro social cooperative, in order to participate in a process of economic sustainability of the social circus project as a "Community Circus", and to ensure integrated training between artists and professionals in the psycho-socio-educational area in order to generate opportunities for vulnerable people, women with children, adolescents and adults without families . The “cirCOmmunity” project intends to offer learning both in terms of artistic / acrobatic / mimic / theatrical knowledge and skills, and in terms of application of the activities of the education and social inclusion area. An opportunity for the TenRock cooperative to promote synergies in Europe and stimulate new forms of cooperation between the world of contemporary circus and training and the world of work.


SOCIAL INNOVATION: the TenRock Theater Circus School captures the interest of the RaiUno troupe for "LineaVerde Life"

photo gallery news Tenrock | Spazio di educazione alternativa e osservazione culturale | teatro circo viaggiante

If we want to talk about quality and social innovation, in this case it would seem that the project of the TenRock social cooperative has captured the attention of the RaiUno television crew for the "LineaVerde Life" program, which will be broadcast on February 15th at 12.20 on raiuno. A collective of artists acrobats, clowns, jugglers and waders from north to south of Puglia, has marked the historicity and tradition of the city of Brindisi on the staircase of the Roman Columns of Brindisi, a theme that the director of the television program has strongly chosen to highlight flanked by the push of the two presenters of the television program Daniela Ferolla and Marcello Masi.

The project "Chapiteau TenRock - School of Performing Arts - Residenza Spettacoli", the only one of its kind for southern Italy, renews the vision of this territory, making the perception of "doing social" a concrete reality for all children and young people who they want to approach the practice of contemporary circus arts under a real circus tent.


CIAK! IT IS MOUNTED ..         

Work to set up the Chapiteau is underway

photo gallery news Tenrock | Spazio di educazione alternativa e osservazione culturale | teatro circo viaggiante

Who has never wondered how to set up a circus in such a short time? Is there a secret? Special techniques? in fact there is a secret: the “TenRock” Social Cooperative of Brindisi is about to reveal it.  On January 18th, starting at 10.00, the collective of the “TenRock” Social Cooperative will kick off the construction work for the new place of social innovation and active citizenship "La Fabbrica del Farò"  (click here to visit the factory) of the "Il Faro" Social Cooperative,  destined to numerous activities for the employment of the territory. The first phase of the project requires the intervention of human resources for the assembly and preparation of the circus tent, i.e. the positioning: the anchoring, the positioning of the circus gymnasium for school training, the subdivision of the theatrical spaces, and the related areas dedicated to the public. To signal the presence and assist in the assembly of the circus tent just send a private messenger to the facebook page “Teatro Circo TenRock”.

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