The "Elèvate" project of the Eramsus + Spanish Agency "SEPIE" has been concluded
The "Elèvate" project organized by the Spanish National Agency of Erasmus + and organized by our Spanish partner Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad has ended. For 7 days we had the pleasure of hosting 3 volunteers from this organization in the La Fabbrica del Farò spaces: Francesca, Pablo and Alyssa, who were able to learn closely the good management and organization practices of our reality. We experienced moments of non-formal training through the theatrical tailoring workshop made available by La Fabbrica del Farò with the silky passion of Angela Daloia and that of pedagogy on stilts, from history to their construction, led by Gabriele Cagnazzo. It was an experience full of intense moments, of pure imagination and ingenuity, but above all of constant challenge between fear and courage, up to rise from the ground on stilts, to reach the peaks furthest from our "I" .. the peaks of our limits! "Elèvate" !!! To majora

We are active partners of the "Art & Nature" project of the Il Faro Social Cooperative
We are also there in the first stage of the "Art & Nature for basic skills" project which took us from Eindhoven to Utrecht, from Rotterdam to Amsterdam and then to 's-hertogenbosh and finally to Tilburg.
We have discovered wonderful realities and unique people who have shared with us all their knowledge and all the good vibrations that they manage to spread in the air. Let's go back to Italy with a heart full of joy and a mind full of ideas.
Heartfelt thanks to all the organizations that hosted us and above all thanks to all our fantastic travel companions!

The Erasmus + "cirCommunity" project arrives in France in Bensancon
Thus ended the second training mobility of the "cirCOmmunity" project with the French partner The Serious Road Trip. Organization that applies circus disciplines to restore well-being in the city of Besançon. The circus as a contemporary "boîte à outils" in style and response to the needs of the area.
A concrete project without frills or frills. A wonderful, extraordinarily heterogeneous work group where results are measured by the determination of the operators and the enthusiasm of the public. For us they were intense days of non-formal training with structured workshops aimed at minors and adults with severe disabilities, charged at the same time with emotion / joy and surprised at how far our borders are.
We return new and renewed!


OnLine the public call "CLAN: Giovani in Scena" for the selection of young people residing in Italy and abroad - 2022
The call provides for the participation of anyone who wants to approach the world of performing arts for a period of 6 months and a total of 100 hours of training in juggling, acrobatics on the ground, acrobatics, aerial acrobatics at the Fabbrica del Farò in Brindisi, the space which houses the TenRock circus chapiteau. Young people between the ages of 15 and 25 or informal groups of young people who testify to the emotional will to attend the course can be applied to the course.

Scheduled in November:
First residential seminar "Il Corpo gives Rice" of the Erasmus + YouthUp project
Scheduled from 21 to 27 November 2022.
The seminar aims to explore the potentials of our "body". That part of us where our creative and regenerating energy shines, and our crazy, joyful poetry. The clown is the figure who concentrates these characteristics the most.
It is a useful tool aimed at all those who wish to acquire a greater knowledge of their "if" effectively and improve their non-verbal communication skills in resilience factors.

JULY 2021

Extraordinary opportunity:
CirCommunity project together with Escuela de Circo Carampa of Madrid
What we have lived we will always carry with us. It is precisely this Erasmus + Indire , it is to train our staff by living experiences and emotions, learning from those who work in the field every day with competence and heart.
Our training at Escuela de Circo Carampa with the cirCOmmunity project ended a few days ago and we want to say thanks to those who accompanied us in this course by generously giving us skills built in a life of social circus, giving us the good practices to replicate and the mistakes to be made. avoid. Thanks to those who made us live the experience of the circus school in favor of boys and girls. Thanks to the boys and girls who offered us their live show in the first year of school, we experienced a great emotion and we feel full of energy for everything that still needs to be done in our Fabbrica del Farò. For us it was the confirmation of being on the right path to take because the joy in the eyes of boys, girls, boys and girls is the engine that drives the future.

Educational skills are an extraordinary tool that Save the Children Italy has decided to allocate to girls and boys who currently live in the "Balbis" shelter community managed by the Il Faro Social Cooperative .
The dowry in question is a # circomotricity laboratory edited by our training staff.
The boys and girls involved learn and have fun thanks to the physical and emotional involvement during the afternoons dedicated to meetings and, on Friday 9 July, at 6.30 pm, there will be a demonstration lesson.
JUNE 2021
First project meeting, with NamaStay, FernblickGmbH, Fundacion Escuola de Solidaridad, AlphaZTL, Popolomondo
Four European countries: Spain, Germany, Portugal, Italy, gathered to work together in creative artistic residences that transform the crisis resulting from the pandemic into opportunities.
MAY 2021

"cirCOmmunity": the circus of the community and for the community
We are almost there .. We are ready to land in Europe with our network of partner consortium: Cooperativa Sociale Il Faro Gessetti E Straccetti IdeaRadio NelMondo .
7 Erasmus + mobilities, 1 Job Shadowing 1 teaching assignment.
4 European countries that will welcome us: we will start from Spain with the Escuela de Circo Carampa , to continue in France, then Hungary and Portugal.
We expect 280 hours of frontal training aimed at a methodology that uses the circus arts as a means for spreading justice and social well-being.
"ProjectWork" internship
Final exam in the Chapiteau for the FORM (A) CTION MOVEMENT project

Thus ended the stage of the Form (a) ction Movement project Public Notice N.5 / FSE / 2018 PO FESR / FSE PUGLIA 2014/2020 within our Chapiteau. It was an honor for us to host events such as the one organized by the Training Center of Artemide Group . In addition to being a great opportunity for growth for the participants in the internship, it was also a precious opportunity for us to experiment the different languages of the dance movement and merge it with the techniques of juggling. We congratulate the participants in the Project work stage “In mobile furniture“ because despite the difficult time we are experiencing they managed to complete this path. It was an important training course, developed in 3 months, and thanks to the availability of the Il Faro Social Cooperative which houses the circus tent inside the spaces of The Fabbrica del Farò was able to be built despite having to change some dynamics. We couldn't be happier with that, because our goal was that this path could come to an end. Despite the various limitations that forced us to remain motionless in our places, everyone's hard work rewarded and in the end the internship was able to continue. Thanks to the director of the training center Ivan Verardi , and to the whole team of tutors who have shown a sensitivity towards the art world even in such a particularly difficult moment.