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APRIL 2022


Cinema e Circo fra i banchi di scuola al Secondo Circolo Didattico “Giovanni XXIII” di Fasano per 100 alunni.

Grazie al progetto “Cinema e Circo in fantasia”, il Secondo Circolo Didattico “Giovanni XXIII” si avrà l’opportunità di introdurre il linguaggio cinematografico e audiovisivo a scuola, adottandolo come strumento educativo affiancato dalla conoscenza e la pratica delle arti circensi. Articolato in quattro format educativi, il progetto prevede la produzione di un’opera audiovisiva che sarà il risultato finale dell’intero processo. Partendo dalle origini del cinema itinerante, ci si lega all’immaginario circense con cui si riscoprono affinità. Il circo avrà un ruolo fondamentale nel progetto attraverso la partecipazione attiva di acrobati e giocolieri che contribuiranno a creare un contesto di gioia e di gioco.  

Il progetto è realizzato grazie alla collaborazione di professionisti del settore audiovisivo e cinematografico ed enti partner esterni quali: Kraken srl; Cinema Teatro J. Kennedy; Cooperativa Sociale TenRock; Senza Confine - Associazione di Promozione Sociale; Comune di Fasano; Banda del Paese; Associazione Timpanisti; Sinapsi Produzione Partecipante - Associazione di Promozione Sociale. 



Arrivano gli OpenDay

tante belle sorprese per i più piccoli 7/10 anni

Alla Fabbrica del Farò tutti i pomeriggi a Settembre saranno tante le attività educative da provare e divertirsi insieme per una crescita sana e sportiva di bambini e bambine.

La Fabbrica del Farò è il luogo dove venire a trovarci con i vostri piccoli nella seconda settimana di settembre e far provare loro la magia di manipolare e imparare tanti attrezzi affascinanti del circo da utilizzare sotto il coloratissimo tendone




Per info prenotazioni ed orari contattaci



Circo sociale"

Progetto"Seminiamo arte, Coltiviamo bellezza" 

Avviso "Bellezza e Legalità

finanziato dalla Regione Puglia

realizzato da Cooperativa sociale Il Faro

Spazio Tendone



Partecipazione gratuita



Youth UP!

La gioia del #circosociale

L'arte come resilienza

YOUTH UP! non è solo il nome del progetto @Erasmus+ finanziato dall'Agenzia Nazionale Giovani, Youth UP è il nostro obiettivo! Siamo così contenti di vedere insieme gioire quasi 40 ragazzi e leader giovanili provenienti da Italia, Spagna, Lituania, Albania e Romania.

Questo è il Teatro Circo Tenrock. Questa è La Fabbrica del Farò.

E' opportunità

E' connettività

E' costruzione di spirito europeo

E' educazione non formale

E' apprendimento informale

E' gioia.


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Il video integrale della

3° edizione di Krearte Festival




The Erasmus + project is underway


It takes place from 18 to 24 April on

youth project  #youthup , approved and funded by  National Youth Agency - ANG . We are applicants in a truly varied partnership that includes Romania, Lithuania, Spain, Albania as participating countries.  #youthworker , will be involved in the next few days, on a non-formal training that has as its theme "the irony for resilience", held by  Beppe Vetti


Erasmus + cirCommunity project presented  

in Llinars (Barcelona) in International Network Cultural Artist ( INCA Catalunya )

The mobility we had been waiting for for some time at the places and spaces of Inca Catalunya, an international network of art and culture that operates in the dimension of immersive and sensorial theater, took place from 3 to 7 April. We received training on creative processes in order to involve the viewer in the role of actor within the story with the use of the senses. We return again this time with so many inputs that we can't wait to put to work. 


The PON begins at the “San Antonio di Padova” school in Brindisi

These children are very good

Yes, because in these days the #circosociale and # circomotricity appointments aimed at #elementary schools are active  and that the little circus aspirants of the “San Antonio di Padova” primary school in the city of Brindisi are involved in this tour. Among the teachers present, for the juggling the "always at the ball" Riccardo Serra, the "physique du role" Daniele Corsa for the movement and "the Ercolino always standing" Gabriele Cagnazzo StiltsDancer for the balancing act. Fun for children can have a more complete sense for the pleasure that the emotions of the circus arouse🎪✨🎉 The appointment is weekly!




The social world at the service of artists

Right now we are witnessing a drastic global stalemate (Global Stop) in which artists are forced to stop their activities.  Many can no longer find a space to create, practice and perform their art. Of these groups, street artists are the most affected.  Therefore, it is necessary to create networks of collaboration and reflection to use art as a tool for intervention in the world of the socially vulnerable. Transforming communities from simple hosts to "Active Welcome Spaces" will bring professionals and artists together in an interactive and educational environment.  They will learn the tools to transform communities into "creative welcoming spaces" and how to organize, produce and disseminate events. Today we have reached the second meeting of the ARTNOSTOP project of the “Fundacion Escuela de Solidaridad” which took place in Germany in the city of Landsberg within the spaces of the project partner “dieKunstBauStelle”. All the good practices are almost ready for the development of this project which involves social workers and performer artists from 4 European countries: Italy, Spain, Germany, Holland.

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The "Elèvate" project of the Eramsus + Spanish Agency "SEPIE" has been concluded

The "Elèvate" project organized by the Spanish National Agency of Erasmus + and organized by our Spanish partner Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad has ended. For 7 days we had the pleasure of hosting 3 volunteers from this organization in the La Fabbrica del Farò spaces: Francesca, Pablo and Alyssa, who were able to learn closely the good management and organization practices of our reality. We experienced moments of non-formal training through the theatrical tailoring workshop made available by La Fabbrica del Farò with the silky passion of Angela Daloia and that of pedagogy on stilts, from history to their construction, led by Gabriele Cagnazzo. It was an experience full of intense moments, of pure imagination and ingenuity, but above all of constant challenge between fear and courage, up to rise from the ground on stilts, to reach the peaks furthest from our "I" .. the peaks of our limits! "Elèvate" !!! To majora​

We are active partners of the "Art & Nature" project of the Il Faro Social Cooperative

We are also there in the first stage of the "Art & Nature for basic skills" project which took us from Eindhoven to Utrecht, from Rotterdam to Amsterdam and then to 's-hertogenbosh and finally to Tilburg.

We have discovered wonderful realities and unique people who have shared with us all their knowledge and all the good vibrations that they manage to spread in the air. Let's go back to Italy with a heart full of joy and a mind full of ideas.

Heartfelt thanks to all the organizations that hosted us and above all thanks to all our fantastic travel companions! 

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